Mariko Yamamura


Department of Statistics


As a researcher in the Department of Statistics, Dr. Yamamura is studying the excess relative risk (ERR) and excess absolute risk (EAR) models which are one of the major statistical tools used at RERF. In collaborative work, she co-authored a paper on cancer incidence in kidney, bladder and other urinary tract, and is currently involved in research to assess radiation effect on development of cataracts, which requires attention to important statistical issues of correlative between the left and right eyes of the same person and missing data analysis. She is also involved in the application of multi-state models in the analysis for the clinical study of the F1 offspring of A-bomb survivors. Dr. Yamamura is also conducting research in the application of spatio-temporal analysis methods to of radiation risk estimation and is conducting theoretical research using sparse estimation from the perspective of mathematical statistics, research that is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Number 20H04151.


Ph.D.(Social Engineering) Graduate School of Systems and Information Engineering, University of Tsukuba
M.S.(Economics) Graduate School of Economics, Osaka Prefecture University
B.A.(Science) College of Integrated Arts and Sciences, Osaka Prefecture University


Research Scientist, Department of Statistics, Radiation Effects Research Foundation
Lecturer, Department of Mathematics Education, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
Assistant Professor, Graduate School of Business Sciences, University of Tsukuba
Assistant Professor, Department of Clinical Medicine, School of Pharmacy, Kitasato University
Researcher, Institute for Health Economics and Policy

Selected publications

Yamamura, M., Ohishi, M., & Yanagihara, H. Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Fused Lasso for Proportion Data. Proceedings of the 13th KES-IDT 2021 Conference (eds. Czarnowski, I., Howlett, R. J. & Jain, L. C.), Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies. 2021; 238; 479-489.
Grant, J. E., M. Yamamura, A. V. Brenner, D. L. Preston, M. Utada, H. Sugiyama, R. Sakata, K. Mabuchi, and K. Ozasa. Radiation Risks for the Incidence of Kidney, Bladder and Other Urinary Tract Cancer: 1958-2009. Radiation Research. 195(2) 2020; 140-148.
Yamamura, M., Yanagihara, H., Solvang, K. H., Øien, N., & Haug, T. Canonical correlation analysis for geographical and chronological responses. Procedia Computer Science. 2016; 96:1351-1360.
Kondo, M., Yamamura, M., Hoshi, S., & Okubo, I. Demand for pneumococcal vaccination under subsidy program for the elderly in Japan. BMC Health Services Research. 2012; 12:313.
Yamamura, M., & Shoji, I. A nonparametric method of multi-step ahead forecasting in diffusion processes. Physica A Statistical Mechanics and its Applications. 2010; 389:2408-2415.
