- Publications
A paper titled “Japanese pediatric and adult atomic bomb survivor dosimetry: potential improvements using the J45 phantom series and modern Monte Carlo transport” was published in Radiation and Environmental Biophysics
Japanese pediatric and adult atomic bomb survivor dosimetry: potential improvements using the J45 phantom series and modern Monte Carlo transport
Griffin KT, Sato T, Funamoto S, Chizhov K, Domal S, Paulbeck C, Bolch W, Cullings HM, Egbert S, Endo A, Hertel N, Lee C
Radiation and Environmental Biophysics 2022 (March); 61(1):73-86
DOI: 10.1007/s00411-021-00946-2
For further details about the study, please refer to the full paper published by the journal.
The paper can be accessed at the following URL.