Request for donations
The Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) accepts donations.
RERF aims at conducting research and studies for peaceful purposes on medical effects of radiation and associated diseases in humans, with a view to contributing to maintenance of the health and welfare of the atomic bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and to enhancement of the health of people throughout the world.
RERF’s study results are considered the basis for global radiation-risk standards and used in the areas of radiation protection, radiation medicine, and countermeasures against radiation contamination.
We ask for your understanding and support of RERF’s activities and request your donations to the foundation.
Use of donations
Your donations will be used to support RERF’s activities indicated below:
To establish and operate RERF’s laboratories in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki for the conduct of comprehensive research and studies on the life-spans, health conditions, and pathological aspects of the atomic bomb survivors, and other radiation effects and associated diseases in humans;
To conduct research and studies on the effects of radiation and associated diseases in humans in cooperation with universities, laboratories attached to universities and other research organizations;
To preserve, report and publicize the results of research and studies, and to provide training, on the effects of radiation and associated diseases in humans;
To carry out health examinations of the atomic bomb survivors; and
To carry out other activities as may be deemed necessary to achieve the objectives of the foundation.Procedures for making donations to RERF
When making donations to RERF, please enter the required information in the “Donation Form” and send by mail the completed form to the General Affairs Section of the Secretariat of the foundation. To obtain the form, please contact the General Affairs Section or download by clicking on the following link.
Note 1: We accept donations of ¥5,000 or more.
Note 2: Your donations will be used appropriately in accordance with the RERF Regulations Concerning Handling of Donations.
Bank account for transfer of donations
Mailing of Receipt of Donation
After confirming that your donation has been deposited into the bank account, we will send you a Receipt of Donation.
Contact information regarding donations
General Affairs Section, Secretariat, Radiation Effects Research Foundation
- Address:
- 5-2, Hijiyama Park, Minami-ku, Hiroshima, Japan 732-0815
- Phone:
- 082-261-3131 (switchboard)
- Fax:
- 082-263-7279
- E-mail:
- Click here.