RERF Report No. 20-99

Uneven distributions of naive and memory T cells in the CD4 and CD8 T-cell populations derived from a single stem cell in an atomic bomb survivor: Implications for the origins of the memory T-cell pools in adulthood

Kusunoki Y, Hirai Y, Hakoda M, Kyoizumi S
Radiat Res 157(5):493-9, 2002


The processes that lead to the establishment and maintenance of memory T-cell pools in humans are not well understood. In this study, we examined the emergence of naive and memory T cells in an adult male who was exposed to an atomic bomb radiation dose of approximately 2 Gy in 1945 at the age of 17. The analysis presented here was made possible by our earlier observation that this particular individual carries a hematopoietic stem cell mutation at the hypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase (HPRT) locus that is almost certainly a result of his exposure to A-bomb radiation. Our key finding is that we detected a very much higher HPRT mutant frequency in the naive (CD45RA+) cell component of this individual’s CD4 and CD8 T-cell populations than in the memory (CD45RA) cell component of his CD4 and CD8 T-cell populations. This stands in marked contrast to our finding that HPRT mutant frequencies are fairly similar in the naive CD45RA+ and memory CD45RA components of the CD4 and CD8 T-cell populations of three unexposed individuals examined concurrently. In addition we found that the HPRT mutant frequencies were about 30-fold higher in the naive (CD45RA+) CD4 T cells of the exposed individual than in his memory (CD45RA) cell populations, but that the effect was a little less striking in his CD8 cell populations, where the HPRT mutant frequencies were only about 15-fold higher in his naive T-cell pools than in his memory T-cell pools. We further found that 100% of the HPRT mutant cells in both his CD4 and CD8 naive cell subsets appeared to have originated from repeated divisions of the initial HPRT mutant stem cell, whereas only 4 of 24 and 5 of 6 mutant cells in his CD4 and CD8 memory cell subsets appeared to have originated from that same stem cell. The most straightforward conclusion may be that the great majority of the T cells produced by this individual since he was 17 years old have remained as naive-type T cells, rather than having become memory-type T cells. Thus the T cells that have been produced from the hematopoietic stem cells of this particular A-bomb-exposed individual seldom seem to enter and/or to remain in the memory T-cell pool for long periods. We speculate that this constraint on entry into memory T-cell pools may also apply to unirradiated individuals, but in the absence of genetic markers to assist us in obtaining evidential support, we must await clarifying information from radically different experimental approaches.
