Technical Report No. 10-85

Focal fatty infiltration of the liver mimicking a tumor

Kawashima A, Suehiro S, Murayama S, Russell WJ
Editor’s note: A publication based on this report was published in J Comput Assist Tomogr 10:329-31, 1986.
Focal fatty infiltration of the liver detected by ultrasonography in this asymptomatic woman had unusual features. It appeared as a sharply-marginated, spherical mass lesion on computed tomography (CT), with soft tissue attenuation values of 30 Hounsfield units (HU) unenhanced, and 50 HU with enhancement. This tumor-like zone completely resolved on follow-up ultrasonography and CT, underscoring the need for follow-up examinations to exclude primary or metastatic tumors. Our review of the literature failed to reveal previous reports of features such as these.
