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Energy Review 2019 (November); 12:44-7
言語: 日本語
Chronic myeloid leukemia: Two mysteries [Letter to the Editor]
Tomas Radivoyevitch, Trine N. Jorgensen, Daniel J. Lindner, Jaroslaw Maciejewski, Yasushi Miyazaki, Robert Peter Gale
Leukemia Research 2019; 79:3-5
言語: 英語Inapplicability of current statistical assessment methodology for cancer risk in the low dose range and expectation for a new approach
Hiroto Kawakami
Reconsideration of LNT
言語: 英語Method of the global fitting of the generalized radiogenic risk models to the Japanese cohort data
Gubin AT
Radiat Hyg 2018; 11(3):56-73 (In Russian)
言語: 英語2018年
Effect of age-related baseline risk on radiation dose response for coronary heart disease
Horita S, Kusama T, Ban N
J Radiol Prot 2018 (December); 38(4):1469-82
言語: 英語
Solid cancer incidence among Chinese medical diagnostic x-ray workers, 1950-1995: Estimation of radiation-related risks
Sun Z, Inskip PD, Wang J, Kwon D, Zhao Y, Zhang L, Wang Q, Fan S
Int J Cancer 2016 (June); 138(12):2875-83
言語: 英語
言語: 日本語
Relative biological effectiveness of neutrons derived from the excess relative risk model with the atomic bomb survivors data managed by Hiroshima University
Satoh K, Yasuda H, Kawakami H, Tashiro S
Radiat Prot Dosimetry. 2018 Aug 1;180(1-4):346-350
言語: 英語2017年
Neutron relative biological effectiveness in Hiroshima and Nagasaki atomic bomb survivors: a critical review
Masao S. Sasaki, Satoru Endo, Masaharu Hoshi, Taisei Nomura
J Radiat Res (2016) 57 (6): 583-595
言語: 英語
(Unknown) 2017 (February):21p
The Hiroshima/Nagasaki survivor studies: Discrepancies between results and general perception
Bertrand R. Jordan
Genetics 2016 (July); 203(4):1505-12
言語: 英語
市民と科学者の放射線コミュニケーションネットワーク 第3回勉強会
言語: 日本語2015年
Simulation-extrapolation method to address errors in atomic bomb survivor dosimetry on solid cancer and leukaemia mortality risk estimates, 1950-2003
Allodji RS, Schwartz B, Diallo I, Agbovon C, Laurier D, de Vathaire F
Radiat Environ Biophys 2015 (August); 54(3):273-83
言語: 英語
Reanalysis of data on A-bomb survivors in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Hamaoka Y
Kagaku [Science] 2015 (September); 85(9):875-88
言語: 日本語
A two-phase Poisson process model and its application to analysis of cancer mortality among A-bomb survivors
Ohtaki M, Tonda T, Aihara K
Math Biosci 2015; 268:31-7
言語: 英語
Adjustment of lifetime risks of space radiation-induced cancer by the healthy worker effect and cancer misclassification
Peterson LE, Kovyrshina T
Heliyon 2015 (December):1-51
言語: 英語
Defining AML and MDS second cancer risk dynamics after diagnoses of first cancers treated or not with radiation
Radivoyevitch T, Sachs RK, Gale RP, Molenaar RJ, Brenner DJ, Hill BT, Kalaycio ME, Carraway HE, Mukherjee S, Sekeres MA, Maciejewski JP
Leukemia 2015:1–10 [Epub ahead of print]
言語: 英語
Radiation protection
Veterinary Radiology Study Group (ed.)
Radiobiology 2015 (March):pp 146-50
言語: 日本語2014年
Cancer risk at low doses of ionizing radiation: artificial neural networks inference from atomic bomb survivors
Sasaki MS, Tachibana A, Takeda S
J Radiat Res (Tokyo) 2014 (May); 55(3):391-406
言語: 英語2013年
Reply to Little et al.: dose-responses from multi-model inference for the non-cancer disease mortality of atomic bomb survivors
Schöllnberger H, Kaiser JC, Walsh L, Jacob P
Radiat Environ Biophys 2013 (March); 52(1):161-3
言語: 英語2012年
Dose-responses from multi-model inference for the non-cancer disease mortality of atomic bomb survivors
Schöllnberger H, Kaiser JC, Jacob P, Walsh L
Radiat Environ Biophys 2012 (May); 51(2):165-78
言語: 英語
Radiat Environ Biophys 2013 (March); 52(1):165-6
言語: 英語2010年
Ionizing radiation and kidney cancer among Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Richardson DB, Hamra G
Radiat Res 173(6):837-42, 2010
言語: 英語2009年
Heterogeneity of variation of relative risk by age at exposure in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP
Radiat Environ Biophys 48(3):253-62, 2009
言語: 英語
Cancer and non-cancer effects in Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 29(2A):A43-59, 2009
言語: 英語
Exposure to ionizing radiation in adulthood and thyroid cancer incidence
Richardson DB
Epidemiology 20(2):181-7, 2009
言語: 英語
Heterogeneity of variation of relative risk by age at exposure in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Walsh L
Radiat Environ Biophys 48(3):345-7, 2009
言語: 英語
Radiation Risk modeling of thyroid cancer with special emphasis on the Chernobyl epidemiological data
Walsh L, Jacob P, Kaiser JC
Radiat Res 172(4):509-18, 2009
言語: 英語2008年
Modeling of cell inactivation and carcinogenesis in the atomic bomb survivors with applications to the mortality from all solid, stomach and liver cancer
Jacob P, Walsh L, Eidemuller M
Radiat Environ Biophys 47(3):375-88, 2008
言語: 英語
Leukemia following childhood radiation exposure in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors and in medically exposed groups
Little MP
Radiat Prot Dosimetry 132(2):156-65, 2008
言語: 英語
Cancer risk estimates from the combined Japanese A-bomb and Hodgkin cohorts for doses relevant to radiotherapy
Schneider U, Walsh L
Radiat Environ Biophys 47(2):253-63, 2008
言語: 英語
Hiroshima survivors exposed to very low doses of A-bomb primary radiation showed a high risk for cancers
Watanabe T, Miyao M, Honda R, Yamada Y
Environ Health Prev Med 13(5):264-70, 2008
言語: 英語
Experimental derivation of relative biological effectiveness of A-bomb neutrons in Hiroshima and Nagasaki and implications for risk assessment
Sasaki MS, Nomura T, Ejima Y, Utsumi H, Endo S, Saito I, Itoh T, Hoshi M
Radiat Res 170(1):101-17, 2008
言語: 英語
New models for evaluation of radiation-induced lifetime cancer risk and its uncertainty employed in the UNSCEAR 2006 report
Little MP, Hoel DG, Molitor J, Boice JD, Wakeford R, Muirhead C
Radiat Res 169(6):660-76, 2008
言語: 英語2007年
A short review of model selection techniques for radiation epidemiology
Walsh L
Radiat Environ Biophys 46(3):205-13, 2007
言語: 英語2006年
Effective dose of A-bomb radiation in Hiroshima and Nagasaki as assessed by chromosomal effectiveness of spectrum energy photons and neutrons
Sasaki MS, Endo S, Ejima Y, Saito I, Okamura K, Oka Y, Hoshi M
Radiat Environ Biophys 45(2):79-91, 2006
言語: 英語
Statistical assessment on cancer risks of ionizing radiation and smoking based on Poisson models
Tomita M, Otake M, Moon S
J Korean Data & Inf Sci Soc 17(2):581-98, 2006
言語: 英語2005年
Curvature in the dose response of the Life Span Study Cancer Mortality Data (Letter to the Editor)
Walsh L, Ruhm W, Kellerer AM
Radiat Res 163(4):477, 2005
言語: 英語
Age-at-exposure effects on risk estimates for non-cancer mortality in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Zhang W, Muirhead CR, Hunter N
J Radiol Prot 25(4):393-404, 2005
言語: 英語2004年
Derivation of low-dose extrapolation factors from analysis of curvature in the cancer incidence dose response in Japanese A-bomb survivors
Little MP, Muirhead CR
Int J Low Radiat 1(3):285-99, 2004
言語: 英語
Threshold and other departures from linear-quadratic curvature in the non-cancer mortality dose-response curve in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP
Radiat Environ Biophys 43:67-75, 2004
言語: 英語
Absence of evidence for threshold departures from linear-quadratic curvature in the Japanese A-bomb cancer incidence and mortality data
Little MP, Muirhead CR
Int J Low Radiat 1(2):242-55, 2004
言語: 英語
Parameter subset selection and multiple comparisons of Poisson rate parameters with misclassification
Stamey JD, Bratcher TL, Young DM
Comput Stat Data An 45(3):467-79, 2004
言語: 英語
Cancer risk estimates for gamma-rays with regard to organ-specific doses Part I: All solid cancers combined
Walsh L, Ruhm W, Kellerer AM
Radiat Environ Biophys 43(3):145-51, 2004
言語: 英語
Cancer risk estimates for gamma-rays with regard to organ-specific doses Part II: Site-specific solid cancers
Walsh L, Ruhm W, Kellerer AM
Radiat Environ Biophys 43(4):225-31, 2004
言語: 英語2003年
Corrections in the atomic bomb data to examine low dose risk
Baker GS, Hoel DG
Health Phys 85(6):709-20, 2003
言語: 英語
Risks associated with ionizing radiation
Little MP
Br Med Bull 68:259-75, 2003
言語: 英語
Analysis of breast cancer in the Massachusetts TB fluoroscopy cohort and in the Japanese A-bomb survivors, taking account of dosimetric error and curvature in the A-bomb dose response: Absence of evidence of reduction of risk following fractionated irradiation
Little MP, Boice JD
Int J Low Radiat 1(1):88-101, 2003
言語: 英語
A stochastic carcinogenesis model incorporating genomic instability fitted to colon cancer data
Little MP, Wright EG
Math Biosci 183:111-34, 2003
言語: 英語
Choice of model and uncertainties of the gamma-ray and neutron dosimetry in relation to the chromosome aberrations data in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Ruhm W, Walsh L, Chomentowski M
Radiat Environ Biophys 42(2):119-28, 2003
言語: 英語2002年
Solid cancer risk coefficient for fast neutrons in terms of effective dose
Kellerer AM, Walsh L
Radiat Res 158(1):61-8, 2002
言語: 英語
Risk coefficient for gamma-rays with regard to solid cancer
Kellerer AM, Walsh L, Nekolla EA
Radiat Environ Biophys 41(2):113-23, 2002
言語: 英語
Absence of evidence for differences in the dose-response for cancer and non-cancer endpoints by acute injury status in the Japanese atomic-bomb survivors
Little MP
Int J Radiat Biol 78(11):1001-10, 2002
言語: 英語
The proportion of thyroid cancers in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors associated with natural background radiation
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 22(3):279-91, 2002
Comparisons of lung tumour mortality risk in the Japanese A-bomb survivors and in the Colorado Plateau uranium miners: Support for the ICRP lung model
Little MP
Int J Radiat Biol 78(3):145-63, 2002
言語: 英語2001年
On the conversion of solid cancer excess relative risk into lifetime attributable risk
Kellerer AM, Nekolla EA, Walsh L
Radiat Environ Biophys 40(4):249-57, 2001
Risk estimation for fast neutrons with regard to solid cancer
Kellerer AM, Walsh L
Radiat Res 156(6):708-17, 2001
Cancer after exposure to radiation in the course of treatment for benign and malignant disease
Little MP
Lancet Oncol 2:212-20, 2001
Comparison of the risks of cancer incidence and mortality following radiation therapy for benign and malignant disease with the cancer risks observed in the Japanese A-bomb survivors
Little MP
Int J Radiat Biol 77(4):431-64, 2001
Little MP
Int J Radiat Biol 77(6):745-60, 2001
The mortality and cancer morbidity experience of employees at the Chapelcross plant of British Nuclear Fuels plc, 1955-95
McGeoghegan D, Binks K
J Radiol Prot 21(3):221-50, 2001
言語: 英語
On target cell numbers in radiation-induced H4-RET mediated papillary thyroid cancer
Radivoyevitch T, Sachs RK, Nikiforov YE, Nikiforova MN, Little MP
Radiat Environ Biophys 40:191-7, 2001
言語: 英語2000年
A comparison of the degree of curvature in the cancer incidence dose-response in Japanese atomic bomb survivors with that in chromosome aberrations measured in vitro
Little MP
Int J Radiat Biol 76(10):1365-75, 2000
Projection of cancer risks from the Japanese atomic bomb survivors to the England and Wales population taking into account uncertainty in risk parameters
Little MP, Deltour I, Richardson S
Radiat Environ Biophys 39:241-52, 2000
Derivation of low-dose extrapolation factors from analysis of curvature in the cancer incidence dose response in Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP, Muirhead CR
Int J Radiat Biol 76(7):939-53, 2000
The mortality and cancer morbidity experience of workers at the Capenhurst uranium enrichment facility 1946-95
McGeoghegan D, Binks K
J Radiol Prot 20(4):381-401, 2000
The mortality and cancer morbidity experience of workers at the Springfields uranium production facility, 1946-95
McGeoghegan D, Binks K
J Radiol Prot 20(2):111-37, 2000
Biologically-based risk estimation for radiation-induced chronic myeloid leukemia
Radivoyevitch T, Hoel DG
Radiat Environ Biophys 39(3):153-9, 2000
言語: 英語
A-bomb survivors: Factors that may lead to a re-assessment of the radiation hazard
Stewart AM, Kneale GW
Int J Epidemiol 29(4):708-14, 2000
Application: Study of the dose measurement error in the atomic bomb survivors cohort in Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Deltour I
In: Bayesian modelling of measurement error and missing data in epidemiologic contexts. (Doctoral thesis submitted to University of Paris XI) 1999. pp 71-160
Changes in the pattern of growth in stature related to prenatal exposure to ionizing radiation
Lee S, Otake M, Schull WJ
Int J Radiat Biol 75(11):1449-58, 1999
言語: 英語
Comments on "Threshold models in radiation carcinogenesis" by D.G. Hoel and P. Li
Little MP
Health Phys 76(4):432-4, 1999
Comparison of breast cancer incidence in the Massachusetts tuberculosis fluoroscopy cohort and in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP, Boice JD
Radiat Res 151:218-24, 1999
Describing time and age variations in the risk of radiation-induced solid tumour incidence in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors using generalized relative and absolute risk models
Little MP, Muirhead CR, Charles MW
Statist Med 18:17-33, 1999
Relative risks of radiation-associated cancer: Comparison of second cancer in therapeutically irradiated populations with the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP, Muirhead CR, Haylock RGE, Thomas JM
Radiat Environ Biophys 38(4):267-83, 1999
Risks of leukemia in Japanese atomic bomb survivors, in women treated for cervical cancer, and in patients treated for ankylosing spondylitis
Little MP, Weiss HA, Boice JD, Darby SC, Day NE, Muirhead CR
Radiat Res 152(3):280-92, 1999
言語: 英語
Modeling cancer incidence in A-bomb survivors: A perspective
Sherman CD
Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 13:48-65, 1999
言語: 英語1998年
Dose-response relationship of low and high LET radiation
Kuni H
In: Radiation Exposures by Nuclear Facilities: Evidence of the Impact on Health. Ed by Schmitz-Feuerhake I, Schmidt M. Berlin, German Society for Radiation Protection, 1998. pp 20-34 (Proceedings of International Workshop, 9-12 July 1996, Portsmouth, England)
Temporal distribution of radiation induced leukaemia
Kuni H
In: Radiation Exposures by Nuclear Facilities: Evidence of the Impact on Health. Ed by Schmitz-Feuerhake I, Schmidt M. Berlin, German Society for Radiation Protection, 1998. pp 35-44 (Proceedings of International Workshop, 9-12 July 1996, Portsmouth, England)
Curvature in the cancer mortality dose response in Japanese atomic bomb survivors: Absence of evidence of threshold
Little MP, Muirhead CR
Int J Radiat Biol 74(4):471-80, 1998
Variations with time and age in the risks of solid cancer incidence after radiation exposure in childhood
Little MP, de Vathaire F, Charles MW, Hawkins MM, Muirhead CR
Statist Med 17:1341-55, 1998
Risks of brain tumour following treatment for cancer in childhood: Modification by genetic factors, radiotherapy and chemotherapy
Little MP, de Vathaire F, Shamsaldin A, Oberlin O, Campbell S, Grimaud E, Chavaudra J, Haylock RGE, Muirhead CR
Int J Cancer 78:269-75, 1998
Leukemia: Lessons from the Japanese experience
Finch SC
Stem Cells 15(Suppl 2):135-9, 1997
Exact solutions of the clonal expansion model and their application to the incidence of solid tumors of atomic bomb survivors
Heidenreich WF, Jacob P, Paretzke HG
Radiat Environ Biophys 36:45-58, 1997
No evidence for increased tumor rates below 200 mSv in the atomic bomb survivors data
Heidenreich WF, Paretzke HG, Jacob P
Radiat Environ Biophys 36:205-7, 1997
Analysis of the incidence of solid cancer among atomic bomb survivors using a two-stage model of carcinogenesis
Kai M, Luebeck EG, Moolgavkar SH
Radiat Res 148(4):348-58, 1997
Response to the letter of Dr. Sherman and correction of error in Radiat Res 148, 348-358 (1997)
Luebeck EG, Moolgavkar SH
Radiat Res 149(3):309, 1998
Neutron versus gamma-ray risk estimates. Inferences from the cancer incidence and mortality data in Hiroshima
Kellerer AM, Nekolla E
Radiat Environ Biophys 36:73-83, 1997
Comments on the article "Studies of the mortality of atomic bomb survivors. Report 12, Part I. Cancer: 1950-1990" by DA Pierce, Y Shimizu, DL Preston, M Vaeth and K Mabuchi (Radiat Res, 146, 1-27, 1996)(Letters to the editor)
Little MP
Radiat Res 148:399-401, 1997
Estimates of neutron relative biological effectiveness derived from the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP
Int J Radiat Biol 72(6):715-26, 1997
Are two mutations sufficient to cause cancer? Modelling radiation-induced cancer in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors using generalizations of the two-mutation model of Moolgavkar, Venzon and Knudson and of the multi-stage model of Armitage and Doll
Little MP
In: Health Effects of Low Dose Radiation: Challenges of the 21st Century. London, Thomas Telford Services Ltd, 1997, pp 169-74. (Proceedings of the conference organized by the British Nuclear Energy Society, Stratford-upon-Avon, UK, 11-14 May 1997)
The risk of non-melanoma skin cancer incidence in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP, Charles MW
Int J Radiat Biol 71:589-602,1997
Assessment of skin doses
Little MP, Charles MW, Hopewell JW, Mayall A, Lloyd DC, Edwards AA, Sharp C, Cooper JR
Documents of the NRPB Vol. 8, No. 3. Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, UK, National Radiological Protection Board, 1997. 43 pp
Curvilinearity in the dose-response curve for cancer in Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP, Muirhead CR
Environ Health Perspect 105(Suppl 6):1505-9, 1997
Variations with time and age in the relative risks of solid cancer incidence after radiation exposure
Little MP, de Vathaire F, Charles MW, Hawkins MM, Muirhead CR
J Radiol Prot 17:159-77, 1997
A-bomb data: Detection of bias in the Life Span Study cohort
Stewart A
Environ Health Perspect 105(Supple 6):519-21, 1997
Breast cancer mortality between 1950 and 1987 after exposure to fractionated moderate-dose-rate ionizing radiation in the Canadian fluoroscopy cohort study and a comparison with breast cancer mortality in the atomic bomb survivors study
Howe GR, McLaughlin J
Radiat Res 145:694-707, 1996
A recalculation of the dose-effect-relationship of the 'Life Span Study' of Hiroshima and Nagasaki with the 'Single-Hit Model'
Kottbauer MM, Fleck CM, Schollnberger H
In: Radiobiology and Radioprotection (Modern Development and Tendency of Radiobiology). Ed by Heinemann G and Pfob H. (Proceedings of the 28th Anniversary Meeting of the Scientific Committee Members on Radioprotection Associated with the Research Field of Radiation Effects/Radiobiology within the GAST Committee, Hanover, 23-25 October 1996). Austria, Scientific Committee on Radiation Protection, 1996. pp 120-4
A recalculation of the age dependent dose-effect-relationship of the Life Span Study of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
Kottbauer MM, Fleck CM, Schollnberger H
In: 1996 International Congress on Radiation Protection, Proceedings/Volume 4 (Proceedings of the 9th International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, Vienna, Austria, 14-19 April 1996). Vienna, Austria, International Radiation Protection Association, 1996. pp 143-5
The projection of cancer and overall mortality rates in extreme old age and their impact on population cancer risks
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 16(3):153-66, 1996
Generalisations of the two-mutation and classical multi-stage models of carcinogenesis fitted to the Japanese atomic bomb survivor data
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 16(1):7-24, 1996
Evidence for curvilinearity in the cancer incidence dose-response in the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Little MP, Muirhead CR
Int J Radiat Biol 70:83-94, 1996
A comparison of the risks of leukaemia and non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in the first generation offspring (F1) of the Danish Thorotrast patients with those observed in other studies of parental pre-conception irradiation
Little MP, Wakeford R, Charles MW, Anderson M
J Radiol Prot 16(1):25-36, 1996
三根真理子、奥村 寛、本田純久、近藤久義、横田賢一、朝長万左男
長崎医学会雑誌 71:309-12, 1996 (第37回原子爆弾後障害研究会講演集、平成8年)
Lung cancer mortality between 1950 and 1987 after exposure to fractionated moderate-dose-rate ionizing radiation in the Canadian fluoroscopy cohort study and a comparison with lung cancer mortality in the atomic bomb survivors study
Howe GR
Radiat Res 142:295-304, 1995
A hybrid likelihood algorithm for risk modelling
Kellerer AM, Kreisheimer M, Chmelevsky D, Barclay D
Radiat Environ Biophys 34:13-20, 1995
Are two mutations sufficient to cause cancer? Some generalizations of the two-mutation model of carcinogenesis of Moolgavkar, Venzon, and Knudson, and of the multistage model of Armitage and Doll
Little MP
Biometrics 51:1278-91, 1995
A review of the risks of leukemia in relation to parental pre-conception exposure to radiation
Little MP, Charles MW, Wakeford R
Health Phys 68(3):299-310, 1995
Using multistage models to describe radiation-induced leukaemia
Little MP, Muirhead CR, Boice JD, Kleinerman RA
J Radiol Prot 15(4):315-34, 1995
An analysis of leukaemia, lymphoma and other malignancies together with certain categories of non-cancer mortality in the first generation offspring (F1) of the Japanese bomb survivors
Little MP, Wakeford R, Charles MW
J Radiol Prot 14(3):203-18, 1994
A comparison of the risks of leukaemia in the offspring of the Sellafield workforce born in Seascale and those born elsewhere in West Cumbria with the risks in the offspring of the Ontario and Scottish workforces and the Japanese bomb survivors
Little MP, Wakeford R, Charles MW
J Radiol Prot 14(3):187-201, 1994
Information bias and lifetime mortality risks of radiation-induced cancer. Low LET radiation
Peterson LE, Schull WJ, Davis BR, Buffler PA
Washington, DC, US Nuclear Regulatory Commission, NUREG/GR-0011, 1994. 58 pp
A comparison of the risks of leukaemia in the offspring of the Japanese bomb survivors and those of the Sellafield workforce with those in the offspring of the Ontario and Scottish workforces
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 13(3):161-75, 1993
Risks of radiation-induced cancer at high doses and dose rates
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 13(1):3-25, 1993; Based on a lecture at the Scientific Meeting of the Society for Radiological Protection on 'The Biological and Epidemiological Basis for Radiation Protection Standards,' Oxford, UK, 1-2 April 1992
Correction to the paper 'Risks of radiation-induced cancer at high doses and dose rates'
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 13(4):287-92, 1993
Current status of studies of the Japanese atomic bomb survivors
Muirhead CR
NRPB Radiological Protection Bulletin No. 138, pp 4-6, 1993. Chilton, Didcot, Oxon, UK, National Radiological Protection Board
Fitting the Armitage-Doll model to radiation-exposed cohorts and implications for population cancer risks
Little MP, Hawkins MM, Charles MW, Hildreth NG
Radiat Res 132:207-21, 1992
Corrections to the paper "Fitting the Armitage-Doll model to radiation-exposed cohorts and implications for population cancer risks" (Letter to the Editor)
Little MP, Hawkins MM, Charles MW, Hildreth NG
Radiat Res 137:124-8, 1994
Using the Armitage-Doll model to evaluate radiation-induced cancer risk
Little MP, Hawkins MM, Charles MW, Hildreth NG
Nuclear Electric Technology Division Report TD/ETB/REP/7008, 1992; A journal article based on this report was published in Radiat Res 132:207-21, 1992
The risks of leukaemia and non-cancer mortality in the offspring of the Japanese bomb survivors and a comparison of leukaemia risks with those in the offspring of the Sellafield workforce
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 12(4):203-18, 1992
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 13(4):295, 1993
Criteria for the use of Sartwell's incubation period model to study chronic diseases with uncertain etiology
Horner RD, Samsa G
J Clin Epidemiol 45(10):1071-80, 1992
Weighted least squares estimation for Aalen's additive risk model
Huffer FW, McKeague IW
J Am Stat Assoc 86:114-29, 1991
A comparison of the risks of childhood leukaemia from parental pre-conception exposure to radiation in the Sellafield and Dounreay workforces and the Japanese bomb survivors
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 11(4):231-40, 1991
Preconception exposure risks in the Sellafield and Dounreay workforces and the Japanese bomb survivors
Little MP
Nuclear Electric Technology Division Report TD/RPB/REP/0077, 1991; A journal article based on this report was published in J Radiol Prot 11(4):231-40, 1991
Absence of risk associated with exposure to radiation before conception in Japan
Little MP, Charles MW
Br Med J 302:1404, 1991
Time variations in radiation-induced relative risk and implications for population cancer risks
Little MP, Charles MW
J Radiol Prot 11(2):91-110, 1991
A comparison of the apparent risks of childhood leukaemia from parental exposure to radiation in the six months prior to conception in the Sellafield workforce and the Japanese bomb survivors
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 11(2):77-90, 1991
Time variations in the risk of cancer following irradiation in childhood
Little MP, Hawkins MM, Shore RE, Charles MW, Hildreth NG
Radiat Res 126:304-16, 1991
Little MP, Hawkins MM, Shore RE, Charles MW, Hildreth NG
Radiat Res 132:126, 1992
Radiation-induced cancer risk in children
Little MP, Hawkins MM, Shore RE, Charles MW, Hildreth NG
Nuclear Electric Technology Division Report TD/RPB/REP/0048, 1990; A journal article based on this report was published in Radiat Res 126:304-16, 1991
Preconception exposure risks six months prior to conception in the Sellafield workforce and the Japanese bomb survivors
Little MP
Nuclear Electric Technology Division TD/RPB/REP/0047, 1990; A journal article based on this report was published in J Radiol Prot 11(2):77-90, 1991
Pre-conception exposure risks in the Sellafield workforce and the Japanese bomb survivors
Little MP
Nuclear Electric Technology Division TD/RPB/REP/0026, 1990; A journal article based on this report was published in J Radiol Prot 10(3):185-98, 1990
Theoretical and epidemiological evidence for time variations in radiation-induced cancer risk and implications for population risk
Little MP, Charles MW
Nuclear Electric Technology Division Report TD/RPB/REP/0002, 1990; A journal article based on this report was published in J Radiol Prot 11(2):91-110, 1991
Selection effects in the survivors of the atomic weapons explosions in Japan
Little MP, Charles MW
Nuclear Electric Technology Division Report TD/RPB/REP/0001, 1990; A journal article based on this report was published in Health Phys 59(6):765-75, 1990
A comparison between the risks of childhood leukaemia from parental exposure to radiation in the Sellafield workforce and those displayed among the Japanese bomb survivors
Little MP
J Radiol Prot 10(3):185-98, 1990
A model for dose rate and duration of exposure effects in radiation carcinogenesis
Thomas DC
Environ Health Perspect 87:163-71, 1990
Bomb survivor selection and consequences for estimates of population cancer risks
Little MP, Charles MW
Health Phys 59(6):765-75, 1990
Using mortality data to estimate radiation effects on breast cancer incidence
Hoel DG, Dinse GE
Environ Health Perspect 87:123-9, 1990
Regression analysis for grouped survival data using additive risk models
McKeague IW
International Statistical Institute Satellite Meeting, Kyoto, 3-5 September 1987
Survival analysis using additive risk models
Huffer FW, McKeague IW
Florida State University Technical Report No. M-756 and U.S. Army Research Office Technical Report No. D-96, 1987
Binary regression using an extended beta-binomial distribution, with discussion of correlation induced by covariate measurement errors
Prentice RL
J Am Stat Assoc 81:321-7, 1986