Chief Scientist Osamu Tanabe
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He joined RERF in 2018 as a director of Biosample Research Center, and has been supervising the processing, storage, and research use of blood and urine samples donated by A-bomb survivors, their children, and spouses. He is directing Center’s activities to conduct quality assurance and quality control of biosamples by analytical methods including proteomic analysis by mass spectrometry, and its efforts to improve procedures for sample processing and storage. He is also studying characteristics of somatic mutations induced by exposure to ionizing radiation by high-throughput DNA sequencing, and possible roles of oxidative stress responses in protection against the radiation-induced mutagenesis. Before joining RERF, he was a professor of the Department of Integrative Genomics at Tohoku University, Japan, where he was engaged in large-scale population-based cohort studies for genomic, metabolomic, and proteomic studies with blood or urine samples to identify genetic, behavioral, and environmental risk factors, and biomarkers for multifactorial diseases.
- 1989
- PhD, Medicine, Hiroshima University Graduate School of Medical Sciences
- 1985
- MD, Hiroshima University School of Medicine
- Radiation Effects Research Foundation
- 2019-
Chief Scientist, Director of Biosample Research Center, concurrently assigned to Department of Molecular Biosciences
- 2018-2019
Director of Biosample Research Center, Senior Scientist of Department of Molecular Biosciences
- 2019-
- Tohoku Medical Megabank Organization, Tohoku University
- 2012-2018Professor, Department of Integrative Genomics
- University of Michigan Medical School
- 2005-2012Research Assistant Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
- 2002-2005Research Fellow, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology
- Northwestern University
- 2000-2002
Senior Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Cell Biology
- 2000-2002
- Hiroshima University School of Medicine
- 1995-2000Assistant Professor, Department of Biochemistry
- 1992-1995Research Associate, Department of Biochemistry
- Research Institute for Nuclear Medicine and Biology, Hiroshima University
- 1989-1992Research Associate, Department of Internal Medicine
Selected publications
- Yamauchi T, Ochi D, Matsukawa N, Saigusa D, Ishikuro M, Obara T, Tsunemoto Y, Kumatani S, Yamashita R, Tanabe O, Minegishi N, Koshiba S, Metoki H, Kuriyama S, Yaegashi N, Yamamoto M, Nagasaki M, Hiyama S, Sugawara J. Machine learning approaches to predict gestational age in normal and complicated pregnancies via urinary metabolomics analysis. Sci Rep. 2021; 11(1): 17777.
- Yamaguchi-Kabata Y, Yasuda J, Tanabe O, Suzuki Y, Kawame H, Fuse N, Nagasaki M, Kawai Y, Kojima K, Katsuoka F, Saito S, Danjoh I, Motoike IN, Yamashita R, Koshiba S, Saigusa D, Tamiya G, Kure S, Yaegashi N, Kawaguchi Y, Nagami F, Kuriyama S, Sugawara J, Minegishi N, Hozawa A, Ogishima S, Kiyomoto H, Takai-Igarashi T; ToMMo Study Group, Kinoshita K, Yamamoto M. Evaluation of reported pathogenic variants and their frequencies in a Japanese population based on a whole-genome reference panel of 2049 individuals. J Hum Genet. 2018; 63(2): 213-230.
- Saigusa D, Okamura Y, Motoike IN, Katoh Y, Kurosawa Y, Saijyo R, Koshiba S, Yasuda J, Motohashi H, Sugawara J, Tanabe O, Kinoshita K, Yamamoto M. Establishment of protocols for global metabolomics by LC-MS for biomarker discovery. PLoS One. 2016; 11(8): e0160555.
- Nagasaki M, Yasuda J, Katsuoka F, Nariai N, Kojima K, Kawai Y, Yamaguchi-Kabata Y, Yokozawa J, Danjoh I, Saito S, Sato Y, Mimori T, Tsuda K, Saito R, Pan X, Nishikawa S, Ito S, Kuroki Y, Tanabe O, Fuse N, Kuriyama S, Kiyomoto H, Hozawa A, Minegishi N, Engel JD, Kinoshita K, Kure S, Yaegashi N, ToMMo Japanese Reference Panel Project, Yamamoto M. Rare variant discovery by deep whole-genome sequencing of 1,070 Japanese individuals. Nature Commun. 2015; 6: 8018.
- Keleku-Lukwete N, Suzuki M, Otsuki A, Tsuchida K, Katayama S, Hayashi M, Naganuma E, Moriguchi T, Tanabe O, Engel JD, Imaizumi M, Yamamoto M. Amelioration of inflammation and tissue damage in sickle cell model mice by Nrf2 activation. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2015; 112(39): 12169-12174.
- Shi L, Lin YH, Sierant MC, Zhu F, Cui S, Guan Y, Sartor MA, Tanabe O, Lim KC, Engel JD. Developmental transcriptome analysis of human erythropoiesis. Hum Mol Genet. 2014; 23(17): 4528-4542.
- Shi L, Cui S, Engel JD, Tanabe O. Lysine-specific demethylase 1 is a therapeutic target for fetal hemoglobin induction. Nature Med. 2013; 19(3): 291-294.
- Campbell AD, Cui S, Shi L, Urbonya R, Mathias A, Bradley K, Bonsu KO, Douglas RR, Halford B, Schmidt L, Harro D, Giacherio D, Tanimoto K, Tanabe O, Engel JD. Forced TR2/TR4 expression in sickle cell disease mice confers enhanced fetal hemoglobin synthesis and alleviated disease phenotypes. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2011; 108(46): 18808-18813.
- Tanabe O, Shen Y, Liu Q, Campbell AD, Kuroha T, Yamamoto M, Engel JD. The TR2 and TR4 orphan nuclear receptors repress Gata1 transcription. Genes Dev. 2007; 21(21): 2832-2844.
- Tanabe O, McPhee D, Kobayashi S, Shen Y, Brandt W, Jiang X, Campbell AD, Chen YT, Chang CS, Yamamoto M, Tanimoto K, Engel JD. Embryonic and fetal β-globin gene repression by the orphan nuclear receptors, TR2 and TR4. EMBO J. 2007; 26(9): 2295-2306.