Adult Health Study Report 2

Technical Report No. 12-63

ABCC-JNIH Adult Health Study. Report 2. 1958-60 cycle of examinations, Nagasaki

Sagan L, Seigel D


Editor’s note: 

No journal article was published.


This report has presented the basic data collected during the 1958-1960 cycle of examinations in the ABCC-JNIH Adult Health Study in Nagasaki. No large differences were found among the 4 comparison groups. The only exceptions are to be found in a number of nonspecific complaints elicited during the review of systems.

Inevitably in a review of this size some differences appeared between groups. These are pointed out in the text whenever possible. None were so large, nor so consistent within specific age and sex groups, however, that they could be categorically attributed to radiation. It will be necessary to compare them with subsequent medical experience in this study group and in Hiroshima.


Editor’s note: 

The following components of this report contain data on communicable disease frequencies, allergies, malignancies, and many other symptoms that may be of interest from a public health standpoint.


List of Tables

  1. Contact results by comparison group
  2. Number examined by age, sex, and comparison group
  3. Parental consanguinity by age, sex, and comparison group
  4. History of selected diseases by age, sex, and comparison group
  5. Family history of selected diseases by age, sex, and comparison group
  6. Cardiopulmonary symptoms by age, sex, and comparison group
  7. Gastrointestinal symptoms by age, sex, and comparison group
  8. Musculoskeletal and central nervous system symptoms by age, sex, and comparison group
  9. Genitourinary symptoms by age, sex, and comparison group
  10. General symptoms by age, sex, and comparison group
  11. Weight by age, sex, and comparison group
  12. Thoracic width by age, sex, and comparison group
  13. Transverse heart diameter by age, sex, and comparison group
  14. Systolic pressure by age, sex, and comparison group
  15. Diastolic pressure by age, sex, and comparison group
  16. Radial pulse count by age, sex, and comparison group

    Physical findings

  17. Eyes by age, sex, and comparison group
  18. Ears, nose, nasal sinuses, and oropharynx by age, sex, and comparison group
  19. Lymphatics, head, and neck by age, sex, and comparison group
  20. Skin by age, sex, and comparison group
  21. Breast, lungs, chest, and heart by age, sex, and comparison group
  22. Abdomen, genitalia, anorectal, neuromuscular, etc. by age, sex, and comparison group
  23. Heart murmur by age, sex, and comparison group
  24. Hemoglobin values by age, sex, and comparison group
  25. Hematocrit value by age, sex, and comparison group
  26. Red blood cell count by age, sex, and comparison group
  27. Mean corpuscular volume by age, sex, and comparison group
  28. Sedimentation rate by age, sex, and comparison group
  29. White blood cell count by age, sex, and comparison group
  30. Eosinophils, basophils, neutrophils, lymphocytes and monocytes, by WBC and comparison group
  31. Blood types by age, sex, and comparison group
  32. Syphilis test by age, sex, and comparison group
  33. Proteinuria by age, sex, and comparison group
  34. Glycosuria by age, sex, and comparison group
  35. Hematuria by age, sex, and comparison group
  36. Urine specific gravity by age, sex, and comparison group
  37. Blood in stool by age, sex, and comparison group
  38. Parasites or ova in stool by age, sex, and comparison group
  39. Electrocardiographic findings by age, sex, and comparison group
  40. Diagnoses/number examined by age, sex, and comparison group
  41. Detailed analyses, ISC 120-38, 380-89, by age, sex, and comparison group
