


Ischemic heart disease among atomic bomb survivors: Possible mechanism(s) linking ischemic heart disease and radiation exposure
Akahoshi M
Nakashima M, et al. eds.Radiation Health Risk Sciences–Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Nagasaki University Global COE Program "Global Strategic Center for Radiation Health Risk Control." New York: Springer; 2009. pp 63-8
Bib#: 3784 言語: E

Letter to the Editor: Trends of incidence rate of adult T-cell leukemia/lymphoma in an HTLV-1 endemic area in Japan
Arisawa K, Soda M, Ono M, Uemura H, Hiyoshi M, Suyama A
International Journal of Cancer 125(3):737-8, 2009
Bib#: 3771 言語: E

A genetic risk estimate of radiation in mice based on whole genome scanning by two-dimensional DNA gel
Asakawa J, Kodaira M, Katayama H, Cullings HM, Nakamura N
Jiri Skopek, ed. 37th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society. Bologna, Italy: Medimond s.r.l.; 2009. pp 41-3 (Proceedings of the 37th Annual Meeting of the European Radiation Research Society, Prague, Czech Republic, 26-29 August 2009)
Bib#: 3815 言語: E

浅川順一、中村 典、城石俊彦
放射線生物研究 44(4):407-18, 2009
Bib#: 3767 言語: J

Blood pressure is a major risk factor for renal death: An analysis of 560 352 participants from the Asia-Pacific region
Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration (RERF: Nakachi K)
Hypertension 54(3):509-15, 2009
Bib#: 3758 言語: E

Body-mass index and cause-specific mortality in 900 000 adults: Collaborative analyses of 57 prospective studies
Asia Pacific Cohort Studies Collaboration (RERF: Nakachi K)
Lancet 373(9669):1083-96, 2009
Bib#: 3759 言語: E

内科 104(3):428-31, 2009
Bib#: 3746 言語: J

整形・災害外科 52(11):1285-92, 2009
Bib#: 3779 言語: J

黒澤 尚編。運動器慢性疾患に対する運動療法。東京:金原出版;2009. pp 268-73
Bib#: 3778 言語: J

リウマチ科 41(3):299-305, 2009
Bib#: 3733 言語: J

成人病と生活習慣病 39(5):519-23, 2009
Bib#: 3739 言語: J

臨床画像 25(8):822-7, 2009
Bib#: 3740 言語: J

脳卒中 31(6):439-41, 2009
Bib#: 3780 言語: J

Recent trends in the incidence and lifetime risk of hip fracture in Tottori, Japan
Hagino H, Furukawa K, Fujiwara S, Okano T, Katagiri H, Yamamoto K, Teshima R
Osteoporosis International 20(4):543-8, 2009
Bib#: 3721 言語: E

Sequential change in quality of life for patients with incident clinical fractures: A prospective study
Hagino H, Nakamura T, Fujiwara S, Oeki M, Okano T, Teshima R
Osteoporosis International 20(5):695-702, 2009
Bib#: 3781 言語: E

濱崎幹也、楠 洋一郎、中島栄二、高橋規郎、中地 敬、中村 典、児玉喜明
放射線生物研究 44(4):396-406, 2009
Bib#: 3755 言語: J

放射線生物研究 44(4):379-95, 2009
Bib#: 3810 言語: J

Changes of ROS during a two-day ultra-marathon race
Hattori N, Hayashi T, Nakachi K, Ichikawa H, Goto C, Tokudome Y, Kuriki K, Hoshino H, Shibata K, Yamada N, Tokudome M, Suzuki S, Nagaya T, Kobayashi M, Tokudome S
International Journal of Sports Medicine 30(6):426-9, 2009
Bib#: 3757 言語: E

Effective screening of heterozygotes for ATM mutations
Hirai Y
Hiyama E, Hiyama K, eds.Clinical Application of Molecular Diagnosis–Cancer, Radiation Effects, and Human Diseases. Kerala, India: Transworld Research Network; 2009. pp 53-63
Bib#: 3798 言語: E

How to obtain enough DNA from a limited amount of clinical materials
Hirai Y
Hiyama E, Hiyama K, eds.Clinical Application of Molecular Diagnosis–Cancer, Radiation Effects, and Human Diseases. Kerala, India: Transworld Research Network; 2009. pp 9-20
Bib#: 3797 言語: E

Leukemia, lymphoma, and multiple myeloma incidence in the LSS cohort: 1950-2001
Hsu WL, Soda M, Nishi N, Preston DL, Funamoto S, Tomonaga M, Iwanaga M, Suyama A, Kasagi F
Nakashima M, et al. eds.Radiation Health Risk Sciences–Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Nagasaki University Global COE Program "Global Strategic Center for Radiation Health Risk Control." New York: Springer; 2009. pp 69-73
Bib#: 3791 言語: E

石田紀子、市丸晋一郎、飛田あゆみ、早田みどり、中村 剛、赤星正純
計量生物学 30(2):93-104, 2009
Bib#: 3777 言語: J

Four blood pressure indexes and the risk of stroke and myocardial infarction in Japanese men and women: A meta-analysis of 16 cohort studies
Japan Arteriosclerosis Longitudinal Study (JALS) Group (RERF: Yamada M)
Circulation 119(14):1892-8, 2009
Bib#: 3783 言語: E

Centre for Health Record Linkage―保健医療分野の施策を推進するために
JACR Newsletter No.24:4-6, 2009
Bib#: 3770 言語: J

Modulation of connexin 43 in rotenone-induced model of Parkinson’s disease
Kawasaki A, Hayashi T, Nakachi K, Trosko JE, Sugihara K, Kotake Y, Ohta S
Neuroscience 160(1):61-8, 2009
Bib#: 3764 言語: E

The use of human minisatellite markers for the evaluation of genetic risk
Kodaira M
Hiyama E, Hiyama K, eds.Clinical Application of Molecular Diagnosis–Cancer, Radiation Effects, and Human Diseases. Kerala, India: Transworld Research Network; 2009. pp 35-51
Bib#: 3796 言語: E

Statistical methods for analysis of radiation effects with tumor and dose location-specific information with application to the WECARE study of asynchronous contralateral breast cancer
Langholz B, Thomas DC, Stovall M, Smith SA, Boice JD Jr, Shore RE, Bernstein L, Lynch CF, Zhang X, Bernstein JL
Biometrics 65(2):599-608, 2009
Bib#: 3848 言語: E

Variations in serum transforming growth factor-beta1 levels with gender, age and lifestyle factors of healthy Japanese adults
Lin Y, Nakachi K, Ito Y, Kikuchi S, Tamakoshi A, Yagyu K, Watanabe Y, Inaba Y, Tajima K. for the JACC Study Group
Disease Markers 27(1):23-8, 2009
Bib#: 3845 言語: E

Impact factors of osteoporosis on health-related quality of life
Masunari N, Fujiwara S
Hoffman EC, ed. Health-Related Quality of Life. New York: Nova Science Publishers; 2009. pp 1-29
Bib#: 3782 言語: E

Significance of oncogene amplifications in breast cancer in atomic bomb survivors: Associations with radiation exposure and histological grade
Miura S, Nakashima M, Kondo H, Ito M, Meirmanov S, Hayashi T, Soda M, Sekine I
Nakashima M, et al. eds. Radiation Health Risk Sciences–Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Nagasaki University Global COE Program "Global Strategic Center for Radiation Health Risk Control." New York: Springer; 2009. pp 285-93
Bib#: 3772 言語: E

Multilevel analysis of socioeconomic factors
Nishi N
Kawakami N, Kobayashi Y, Hashimoto H, eds. Health and Social Disparity–Japan and Beyond. Melbourne: Trans Pacific Press; 2009. pp 211-39
Bib#: 3717 言語: E

Current treatment for chronic hepatitis B in Japan
Ohishi W, Chayama K
Clinical Journal of Gastroenterology 2(5):325-30, 2009
Bib#: 3748 言語: E

臨牀消化器内科 24(6):653-9, 2009
Bib#: 3734 言語: J

広島県内科会会誌 No.10:58-9, 2009
Bib#: 3756 言語: J

大久保利晃編。平成20年度厚生労働省委託事業 原爆症調査研究事業報告書。2009. 81 p
Bib#: 3742 言語: J

Characteristic gene expression in stromal cells of gastric cancers among atomic-bomb survivors
Oue N, Sentani K, Sakamoto N, Motoshita J, Nishisaka T, Fukuhara T, Matsuura H, Sasaki H, Nakachi K, Yasui W
International Journal of Cancer 124(5):1112-21, 2009
Bib#: 3760 言語: E

治療学 43(2):11-3, 2009
Bib#: 3719 言語: J

SALL3 interacts with DNMT3A and shows the ability to inhibit CpG island methylation in hepatocellular carcinoma
Shikauchi Y, Saiura A, Kubo T, Niwa Y, Yamamoto J, Murase Y, Yoshikawa H
Molecular and Cellular Biology 29(7):1944-58, 2009
Bib#: 3761 言語: E

Low-dose radiation epidemiology studies: Status and issues
Shore RE
Health Physics 97(5):481-6, 2009
Bib#: 3750 言語: E

杉山裕美、西 信雄、伊藤 桂、楢原啓之、安井 弥、梶原博毅、鎌田七男、有田健一、小笹晃太郎
広島医学 62(11):528-32, 2009
Bib#: 3749 言語: J

第15回 東京前立腺癌フォーラム 前立腺癌とPSA。東京:リノ・メディカル株式会社;2009. pp 2-28
Bib#: 3707 言語: J

The offspring of atomic bomb survivors: Cancer and non-cancer mortality and cancer incidence
Suyama A, Izumi S, Koyama K, Sakata R, Nishi N, Soda M, Grant EJ, Shimizu Y, Furukawa K, Cullings HM, Kasagi F, Kodama K
Nakashima M, Takamura N, Tsukasaki K, Nagayama Y, Yamashita S, eds. Radiation Health Risk Sciences: Proceedings of the First International Symposium of the Nagasaki University Global COE Program "Global Strategic Center for Radiation Health Risk Control." 2009. pp 57-62
Bib#: 3703 言語: E

JACR Monograph No.14:35-8, 2009 (地域がん登録全国協議会第17回総会研究会記録集)
Bib#: 3722 言語: J

Large-scale copy number variants (CNVs) detected in different ethnic human populations
Takahashi N, Satoh Y, Kodaira M, Katayama H
Kehrer-Sawatzki H, Cooper DN, eds. Copy Number Variation and Disease. Basel: Karger; 2009. pp 224-33
Bib#: 3730 言語: E

Cigarette smoking and serum soluble Fas levels: Findings from the JACC study
Tamakoshi A, Suzuki K, Lin Y, Ito Y, Yagyu K, Kikuchi S, Watanabe Y, Inaba Y, Tajima K, Nakachi K
Mutation Research 679(1-2):79-83, 2009
Bib#: 3765 言語: E

立川佳美、Hsu WL、山田美智子、赤星正純、藤原佐枝子
血圧 16(3):6-7, 2009
Bib#: 3715 言語: J

Incidence and risks of dementia in Japanese women: Radiation Effects Research Foundation Adult Health Study
Yamada M, Mimori Y, Kasagi F, Miyachi T, Ohshita T, Sasaki H
Journal of the Neurological Sciences 283(1-2):57-61, 2009
Bib#: 3751 言語: E

Cause-specific mortality in long-term survivors of retinoblastoma
Yu CL, Tucker MA, Abramson DH, Furukawa K, Seddon JM, Stovall M, Fraumeni JF, Kleinerman RA
Journal of the National Cancer Institute 101(8):581-91, 2009
Bib#: 3793 言語: E

DNA methylation status is inversely correlated with green tea intake and physical activity in gastric cancer patients
Yuasa Y, Nagasaki H, Akiyama Y, Hashimoto Y, Takizawa T, Kojima K, Kawano T, Sugihara K, Imai K, Nakachi K
International Journal of Cancer 124(11):2677-82, 2009
Bib#: 3766 言語: E
