- News
RERF’s reaction to factual errors in Yomiuri Telecasting Corporation’s broadcast
The television program Wake up! Plus, aired by the...
- News
RERF is a US-Japan cooperative research institute that investigates the health effects of atomic bomb radiation for peaceful purposes.
The television program Wake up! Plus, aired by the...
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Please take a look at the video links below!...
Ms. Nakamitsu, looking at “Hiroshima Diary” d...
Every August 5 and 6 in Hiroshima and August 8 and...
Please take a look at the following video link, ...
Dr. Atsuko Sadakane, delivering keynote lecture ...
Ms. Brooke Spelman (right) and Mr. Harutoshi ...
Discussion at the BOC meeting Participants ...
Dr. William Schull, in November 1992  ...