Crow Committee (Report submitted in March 1975)
An ad hoc committee for scientific review of ABCC was formed at the direction of Dr. Philip Handler, President, U.S. National Academy of Sciences. Subsequent to visits to the ABCC laboratories in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 14-21 February 1975, the report was prepared, dated 26 March.
Members of the Crow Committee:
- James F. Crow
- Chairman, Department of Human Genetics, University of Wisconsin
- Henry S. Kaplan,
- Professor and Chairman, Department of Radiology, Stanford University School of Medicine
- Paul A. Marks,
- Dean, Faculty of Medicine, Columbia University
- Robert W. Miller,
- Chief, Epidemiology Branch, National Cancer Institute
- John B. Storer,
- Scientific Director for Pathology and Immunology, Oak Ridge National Laboratory
- Arthur C. Upton,
- Dean, School of Basic Health Sciences, State University of New York at Stony Brook
- Seymour Jablon (Staff Officer),
- Associate Director, Medical Follow-up Agency, National Academy of Sciences-National Research Council
To see an overview of the Crow Report, proceed to the following: ABCC Technical Report 21-75, Report of the Committee for Scientific Review of ABCC, February 1975.