Life Span Study Report 11. Mortality Data 1950-85 with Stratification on Acute Effects
The data are on mortality among survivors of atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki during the period October 1, 1950 through December 31, 1985. The population consists of all members of the Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF) Life Span Study (LSS) cohort with complete follow-up for whom DS86 dose estimates were available in December, 1987. This population is identical to that used for the analyses discussed by Preston and Pierce (RERF TR 9-87 and Radiation Research 114:437-66, 1987) and in Life Span Study Report 11, Part 1 (RERF TR 12-87 and Radiation Research 118:502-24, 1989) and Part 2 (RERF TR 5-88 and Radiation Research 121:120-41, 1990). This data set differs from the standard Report 11 dataset used in the above papers in that the rates are also stratified by the self-reported presence or absence of each of four acute radiation effects. These acute effects are: severe epilation (defined as at least 75% hair loss); bleeding (purpura); oropharyngeal lesions; and flash burns. For each of the four items responses are classified as symptom present, symptom absent, or not reported. This data set has been used as the basis of a report by Alice Stewart on the possibility of selection effects on risk estimates derived from the Life Span Study cohort (Stewart AM, Kneale GW, A-bomb survivors: factors that may lead to a re-assessment of the radiation hazard. Int J Epid 29:708-14, 2000. Stewart AM, A-Bomb data: Detection of Bias in the Life Span Study Cohort. Environ Health Perspect 105(Suppl 6):1519-21, 1997).
The basic data, documentation, and sample analysis files are bundled as a single compressed file. The underlined document file may be viewed by clicking on it. When you are ready to proceed to downloading the files, select the preferred compression format, and click the “Registration” box below.
LSS Report 11 Data with Stratification on Acute Effects
Basic data
LSS mortality rates data stratified by city, sex, age,
exposure age at exposure, and the occurrence of acute effects
Documentation for data and related files in MS Word format
Documentation for data and related files in PDF format
Sample Analysis Files
Epicure AMFIT script file to compute some summary statistics and fit some simple models to these data
Epicure script used by AcuteMod.scr to read the data in R11Acute.dat
AMFIT (DOS version) log file produced by the AcuteMod.scr script