RP 1-17

Detection of the onset of hematological malignancy among atomic bomb survivors


Recent technology advances in genome analysis have made it possible to detect small allele burden with gene mutations in clinical samples, such as peripheral blood. Compared to the general population, atomic bomb survivors have a higher risk of developing hematological malignancies, even 50 years after exposure, as seen in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS). Atomic bomb survivors who participate in the Adult Health Study (AHS) are followed at RERF, at which time peripheral blood samples are collected and stored. By analyzing collected samples from AHS participants who develop MDS using next-generation genome analysis technology, we will be able to detect gene mutations of myeloid malignancies. This study will answer the very important question of how myeloid malignancies develop, which remains an open issue. Furthermore, we will be able to obtain new knowledge regarding the mechanisms of radiation-induced myeloid malignancies by evaluating how development differs according to radiation dose.

