Special Cancer Studies

  • Research Protocol 29-60

    Detection of leukemia and related disorders

    Research Protocol 9-88

    Guidelines for the conduct of site-specific cancer incidence studies among A-bomb survivors, Hiroshima and Nagasaki

    Research Protocol 1-06

    Study on cancer of the uterus among A-bomb survivors in the Life Span Study cohort, 1950-2003 (Addendum to RP 8-85)

    Research Protocol 4-07

    Pathology study of malignant tumors of soft tissue and bone among A-bomb survivors, 1957-2003

    Research Protocol 5-08

    Breast cancer incidence among atomic-bomb survivors, 1950-2005

    Research Protocol 1-09

    A nested case-control study of factors contributing to acceleration of the development of hepatocellular carcinoma using stored sera (addendum to RP 1-04)

    Research Protocol 6-10

    Intrinsic subtypes of breast cancer among atomic-bomb survivors (Addendum to RP 5-08)

