RP 1-01

Culture of permanent lymphocyte cell lines as sources of biological samples for investigation of genetic effects of radiation on children of atomic bomb survivors. The acquisition of signed informed consent forms from the donors (or their proxies) for whom permanent cell lines have been established (Addendum to RP 5-85)


Based on RP 5-85, since 1985, blood samples have been collected from about 1,000 families consisting of both parents (at least one of whom is a survivor) and their children, and their permanent lymphocyte cell lines have been established. At that time the explanation for this project was carried out by the letter which was initially sent, and orally later when the subjects visited RERF for blood donation. However, this procedure for getting an informed consent does not necessarily seem to be suited to current conditions. Therefore, in this addendum we propose that a written informed consent be obtained from those who have previously donated blood, and their agreement be confirmed again.

