吉田 健吾






Ph.D. (進化生物学、集団遺伝学) 国立遺伝学研究所 (三島市)
M.S. (細胞生物学) 広島大学大学院 (広島市)
B.S. (分子生物学) 広島大学 (東広島市)


放射線影響研究所 分子生物科学部
  • 2024-現在

    分子生物科学部 副部長

  • 2018-現在

    免疫学研究室 室長

  • 2006-2018

    免疫学研究室 研究員

広島大学大学院 医系科学研究科
  • 2024-現在


  • 2021-2024


国立遺伝学研究所 生命情報研究センター
  • 2003-2006



Yoshida K, Misumi M, Yamaoka M, Kyoizumi S, Ohishi W, Sugiyama H, Hayashi T, and Kusunoki Y. Naive CD4 T cells highly expressing the inflammatory chemokine receptor CXCR3 increase with age and radiation exposure in atomic bomb survivors. Radiation Research 2024; 201 (1): 71-6.
Mika J, Yoshida K, Kusunoki Y, Candeias S, and Polanska J. Sex- and age-specific aspects of human peripheral T-cell dynamics. Frontiers in Immunology 2023; 14: 1224304.
Yoshida K, Satoh Y, Uchimura A, Misumi M, Kyoizumi S, Taga M, Matsuda Y, Noda A, and Kusunoki Y. Massive expansion of multiple clones in the mouse hematopoietic system long after whole-body X-irradiation. Scientific Reports 2022; 12 (1): 17276.
Yoshida K, Misumi M, Kusunoki Y, and Yamada M. Longitudinal changes in red blood cell distribution width decades after radiation exposure in atomic-bomb survivors. British Journal of Haematology 2021; 193 (2): 406-9.
Yoshida K, French B, Yoshida N, Hida A, Ohishi W, and Kusunoki Y. Radiation exposure and longitudinal changes in peripheral monocytes over 50 years: The Adult Health Study of atomic-bomb survivors. British Journal of Haematology 2019; 185: 107-15.
Yoshida K, Cologne JB, Cordova K, Misumi M, Yamaoka M, Kyoizumi S, Hayashi T, Robins H, and Kusunoki Y. Aging-related changes in human T-cell repertoire over 20 years delineated by deep sequencing of peripheral T-cell receptors. Experimental Gerontology 2017; 96: 29-37.
Yoshida K, Misumi M, Kubo Y, Yamaoka M, Kyoizumi S, Ohishi W, Hayashi T, and Kusunoki Y. Long-term Effects of Radiation Exposure and Metabolic Status on Telomere Length of Peripheral Blood T Cells in Atomic bomb Survivors. Radiation Research 2016; 186 (4): 367-76.
Yoshida K, Nakashima E, Kyoizumi S, Hakoda M, Hayashi T, Hida A, Ohishi W, and Kusunoki Y. Metabolic profile as a potential modifier of long-term radiation effects on peripheral lymphocyte subsets in atomic bomb survivors. Radiation Research 2016; 186 (3): 275-82.
Yoshida K, Kusunoki Y, Cologne JB, Kyoizumi S, Maki M, Nakachi K, and Hayashi T. Radiation dose-response of glycophorin A somatic mutation in erythrocytes associated with gene polymorphisms of p53 binding protein 1. Mutation Research 2013; 755 (1): 49-54.
Yoshida K, Fujisawa T, Hwang JS, Ikeo K, and Gojobori T. Degeneration after sexual differentiation in hydra and its relevance to the evolution of aging. Gene 2006; 385: 64-70.
